Models Own – Sophie’s Pink

February 14th, 2012

This is just a quick post before me and my darling go and nom some good stuff in front of the TV! I wanted to do a special manicure for Valentine’s Day, but it didn’t get more special than a pink creme polish and a nail sticker with some hearts. And of course the battery is dead in my usual camera, so you have to make do with the photos from my other camera.

This is two to three coats of Sophies Pink from Models Own, a hot pink creme that I really like. After the Seche Vite had dried I put on a nail sticker and then added another coat on top of that. The stickers are from a brand called OPQ, which I found while shopping around in Estonia a couple of years ago.

So here are a couple of crappy photos under the kitchen lights:

How about some extra kitty love?

Sisco is taking care of Lakrits (means Licorice in Swedish)

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6 Responses to “Models Own – Sophie’s Pink”

  1. Evelina says:

    Kattkärlek får man ju aldrig nog av 🙂 inte rosa heller 😉
    Evelina recently posted..China Glaze Make Some NoiseMy Profile

  2. Vad söta de är dina katter!!
    Fin Alla Hjärtans Dag mani!

  3. Jag älskar att varm rosa! Och dina katter är väldigt söt! 🙂

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