For once I have something green on a Wednesday, which means I can contribute to Green Wednesday at Vacker & Underbar!
I found these two polishes at a TGR store, I think they cost 20 SEK each. I just loved the colors so I figured I’d try them out for that price. The formula is quite thin on these and that’s a good thing in my world, the worst thing I know are thick and goopy creme polishes. But even if the formula was OK I did do a lousy job on this manicure with uneven edges and some cat hairs stuck here and there, I hope you can bear with that. I applied three thin coats of each and topped it with Poshé top coat.
47 is the turquoise shade, and 48 is the the light green.

I really love this color combination, it’s fun and makes me think of Spring. I really needed that with the cold and depressing weather that’s been lately, even though the sun has been out more now.
And what do I do if I’m not happy with the photos? Post a kitty pic! Lakrits is really enjoying the sun and is moving with it during the day:

Aah, warm sun on my tummy!
And yes, that package has been lying on our living room floor for the past months, things don’t happen fast in our home..