OPI – Get Your Number

May 13th, 2013

How about a Blue Monday? It’s finally time to show you my first experience with the Liquid Sand finish from OPI. This is the blue Get Your Number from the Mariah Carey collection. When I got the polish I already had the blue holo Over The Moon on my nails, so I was lazy and just applied two coats of the polish on top of that. Looking at the photos I think it would have been better if I’ve used three coats, I’ll make sure to do that when I try the others.

So what do I think of the textured finish? I really like it, I like the matte finish and I don’t mind the texture. I actually couldn’t stop feeling my nails when I wore it =)

The holographic glitter particles are really beautiful in the sun.



Of course I had to try it with top coat on as well, and with that I think it was more obvious that I should have applied an extra coat of GYN, as the base looks a little streaky here and there.


I also took a crappy photo under my desk lamp, but I thought it showed off the glitter quite well:


I’m looking forward to trying more polishes with a textured finish, the Pixie Dust polishes from Zoya look really tempting for example, and I’ve seen that IsaDora will be releasing some as well.

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12 Responses to “OPI – Get Your Number”

  1. Jag ääälskar de här Liquid Sandlacken. Görsnygga verkligen. Fina bilder på ett snyggt lack och dina läckra naglar. 🙂
    Ann-Sofie/Colour it recently posted..Smitten Polish I Feel…WickedMy Profile

  2. Alexandra says:

    Det här är verkligen snyggt! Har en riktigt härlig färg. Måste snart skaffa mig ett texturlack!
    Alexandra recently posted..HITS UnconventionalMy Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Ja det är en väldigt fin blå färg på detta! Det verkar ju ploppa upp texturlack lite här och var så det finns en hel del att välja på nu =)

  3. Jättesnyggt. Det är en härlig blå!
    Emma/Nail Lacquer Love recently posted..Stripes and RosesMy Profile

  4. FruVesa says:

    Måste verkligen testa ett texturlack snart..
    FruVesa recently posted..Swimsuit… Nailed it! – OPIMy Profile

  5. LadyNight says:

    Vilka snygga naglar! Det blå ser jätteläckert ut 🙂
    LadyNight recently posted..Dear My Party Nails – PPP503My Profile

  6. The sandy texture looks really neat! I want to try one of these!
    Vulcan_Butterfly recently posted..HAIRMy Profile

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