Hauls & Hair

May 5th, 2013

While I was away from the blog I’ve been ordering some new fun stuff that I thought I would show you.

First of all, the polishes from A England that had to take an extra trip thanks to the stupid regulations of Royal Mail to not ship polishes anymore. I was glad when they finally showed up in my mailbox!


L-R: Dorian Gray, Tess d´Urbervilles, She Walks In Beauty, Princess Sabra, Holy Grail Limited Edition

To be honest I just bought Holy Grail since it’s now Limited Edition, I’d much rather want the new edition… =)

Next up are some OPI:s that I bought on Ebay. Since I couldn’t decide which Liquid Sand polishes I wanted to try from the Mariah Carey collection, I went for the mini sizes. And I literally squeed when I saw the little bottles, aren’t they cute? I also ordered Live And Let Die from the Skyfall collection, I’ve been drooling over that one for quite a while now.


L-R- Get Your Number, Can’t Let Go, The Impossible, Stay The Night, Live And Let Die.

Next up are some polishes from Illamasqua. They’re not my first from that brand, I actually have Scarab since quite a few years ago but I  haven’t worn it yet (shame on me!).


L-R: Pink Raindrops, Speckle, Nomad, Cameo, Noble.

I wanted to buy the original Raindrops as well but it was out of stock when I ordered. At least I have an excuse to make a new order in the future =)

And last but not least, some indie polishes that I ordered from the new Swedish web shop Edgy Polish. It’s nice to have so many gorgeous indie polishes available to buy here in Sweden!


L-R: Cirque Hellebore, Cirque Dark Horse, Cirque Ophelia, Smitten Polish Butter Mint

I’m not that familiar with all the indie brands out there, so I actually chose these a bit at random. I’m really looking forward to trying these.

And on to something totally unrelated: A couple of months ago I did a big change with my hair. After having long hair for about eight years I was so sick and tired of it, so I went to the hairdresser to get it all chopped off into a pixie. And I love it! There’s almost no hair to wash, it dries super quickly, and I can do different hair styles every day that doesn’t take forever to do. With long hair the big question was: ponytail or no ponytail? That was everything I could do with my skills, curling my hair was something I only had time to do once a year or so.


My fiance is still struggling with the change, poor guy.. But I know he loves me no matter what <3

If you want to now what lippie I’m wearing on the second pic it’s IsaDora Coral Glow with their lip pencil in Mandarin underneath.


8 Responses to “Hauls & Hair”

  1. Cactus says:

    Häftigt med en så stor förändring! Och väldigt snyggt blev det 🙂
    Jag har Ophelia på naglarna just nu, älskar det!
    Cactus recently posted..Var det nån som sa blogg?My Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Tack! Jag var riktigt trött på mitt hår och det känns helt underbart nu. Speciellt att ha nacken helt fri från hår, det känns perfekt inför sommaren =)

  2. Tycker det blev supersnyggt och tufft! 🙂
    Många vackra lack du inhandlat! 🙂
    Ann-Sofie/Colour it recently posted..Comparison Fantasy Fire & RingerMy Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Tack =) Jag håller fortfarande på att experimentera lite med nya frisyrer, den finns ju en hel del man kan göra med kort hår också.

      Det blev en del lack när jag samlade ihop det så här, jag som tycker att jag nästan varit lite återhållsam de senaste månaderna.. *harkel*

  3. I think you look really cute with the short hair! Those A-England polishes look fantastic, and I love the Illamasqua ones as well!
    Vulcan_Butterfly recently posted..HAIRMy Profile

  4. Sminkan says:

    Du ser fantastiskt fin ut i ditt nya hår! Eller nya frisyr, så klart, men du fattar. Du var vacker innan med men den nya frisyren klär dig verkligen!
    Sminkan recently posted..Darling Diva Polish A Christmas StoryMy Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Tack Sminkan! Jag är supernöjd med att ha kort hår, även om jag säkert kommer vilja låta det växa ut igen om några år. Det är skönt med lite förändring ibland!

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