Simple Easter Manicure with IsaDora

April 2nd, 2013

I was away celebrating Easter, which meant I had to prepare my Easter manicure a few days in advance. I didn’t have time to do anything fancy this year, so this is just another duo colored manicure. But that can be fun too, right? This is IsaDora Bella Vita, a bluish light purple, and IsaDora Mellow Yellow which I’ve shown you before. I think I applied three coats of each, and I blame the shrinkage and other stuff on my old goopy Seche Vite!

I had no sun so the pictures look a little dull:



Bella Vita has a tiny shimmer in it that is almost invisible on the nail, you have to get really close to see it. Mellow Yellow is definitely more shimmery, and I love this pale yellow shade!

Bella Vita was a nice match to one of the purple shades of the dress I was wearing:


I bought it from bonprix in case anyone’s interested.

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Easter, I have yet to catch up with the latest blog posts out there.

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4 Responses to “Simple Easter Manicure with IsaDora”

  1. Jättefin manikyr, jag gillar färgkombinationen och vilken snygg klänning!
    Elin/Nailmanic recently posted..China Glaze – When Stars CollideMy Profile

  2. Ann-Sofie says:

    Så snyggt och klänningen är så vacker!
    Ann-Sofie recently posted..Nubar Romance & China Glaze Razzle Me Dazzle MeMy Profile

  3. roxcat says:

    Tack Elin och Ann-Sofie! Jag har suktat rätt länge efter den klänningen och tyckte det var dags att slå till på den inför påsk. Och när jag provade den såg jag hur bra Bella Vita passade till så behövde jag inte tänka så mycket mer på vad jag skulle ha till =)

  4. Alexandra says:

    Det här var så himla fint och vårigt!
    Alexandra recently posted..China Glaze Hang-Ten ToesMy Profile

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