Cactus’ Nail Polish – Spectrum β Collection

September 7th, 2012

Look what I got in the mail the other day! I think a lot of you Swedish readers know what this is. It’s a holographic collection made by the Swedish blogger of Cactus’ Nail Polish, with the thoughtful name of Spectrum β. Apparently you can determine what elements are present out in space by doing a spectral analysis, and the polishes’ colors are made to correspond with what colors show up for each element (emission lines). Or something like that, go have a read on Cactus’ explanation or Wikipedia if you want more in depth information =)

L-R: Magnesium, Polonium, Boron, Astatine

I’m looking forward to trying these! At first glance I love the blue shade of Boron, and the turquoise color of Polonium is a shade I’ve been thinking of mixing myself. but I’m a lazy b*tch and never get anything done, so it’s faster to pay for someone else’s hard work =)
Magnesium is a medium cool green, and last but not least Astatine is a very dark grey/black? shade.

I took these photos in a hurry last morning when the sun was finally shining, but of course it was gone again at the end of the day. I’m hoping for more sun soon so I can take them for a ride!

As this collection was pretty limited most of the polishes sold out the first day, I think Mangesium is still available. I’m sorry for those of you who didn’t get what you wanted. But after missing out on the holographic polishes that Sanna of MakeupMyLack made, I wasn’t going to do the same mistake again =)

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4 Responses to “Cactus’ Nail Polish – Spectrum β Collection”

  1. kerstin says:

    Din lyckans ost! Jag hann inte med :/
    kerstin recently posted..Holofredag och jubileumssnackMy Profile

  2. Annie says:

    Åååh *dreglar*
    Annie recently posted..OPI DS ShimmerMy Profile

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