I decided to layer Chunky Holo Purple on top of KleanColor Metallic Pink and Metallic Purple, and I think it looked better on top of the purple. The pink and purple both got a deeper and warmer tone by Chunky Holo Purple. I have to say that I’m not too happy about these pictures, the two coats I applied got a bit messy (especially on my ring finger), and it didn’t help much with a top coat. I guess I’ll have to give this polish another try in the future.
Inside in natural light. Here you can see some of the yellow/orange/green tones in the glitter.
Some pink tones here.
And since I’m not happy with these photos I give you a random cat photo as well, with our little Sisco in an apple tree:
Riktiga partynaglar 😀
Cactus recently posted..KleanColor – Chunky Holo Black
Ja det här skulle nog passa till fest!
Sååå fint 🙂
Tack Andréa!
Wow,so glitzy! Love it!
I’m glad you like it!
Vad kul att se fler Klean-lack! Jättefina!
kerstin recently posted..Urban Decay Book of Shadows IV, önskepalett #5
Vad bra att du inte tröttnat än, för det kommer nog fler snart!
Wiiiie! Glitter! 😀 Ehhh…Ja, verkar ha en glitterperiod just nu. 😀
Glitter är fint =)
Syjt fine negler du har!:O klarer ikke få mine så lange:(
Jenngun-har konkuranse recently posted..er med i en konkuranse
Tack! Jag tror jag har bra nagelgener helt enkelt, har alltid haft naglar som vuxit bra.