OPI Purple With A Purpose

April 13th, 2011

When I saw Purple With A Purpose at ClawsInColor I knew I had to have it, I’m pretty weak for this kind of purple. And now that I got it, I can definitely say it’s my type of purple. If I only were allowed to wear one color on my nails for the rest of my life, it would be something like this. I’m not sure if you could call this a blurple, I don’t find it blue enough. On the other hand it’s not really red either, so I guess it’s just purple =)

I have to say that I’m not too fond of the wide brush that OPI has, it was a real pain to paint my pinky nail with this. Other than that the formula was OK, I ended up with three layers as usual. This was also my first try with China Glaze’s top coat Fast Forward. I have one thing to say about that one, it sure smells a lot! It’s too early to tell how it compares to my Seche Vite, but it seems to get the job done as well.

In daylight with no flash.

Taken with flash.

Full sunlight, the base color looks a little too red here. The shimmer seems to be a mix of pink and blue, and it’s so beautiful!

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10 Responses to “OPI Purple With A Purpose”

  1. Pamsan says:

    Mmmm, visst är det fint? Du fick till riktigt bra bilder på lacket. 🙂
    Pamsan recently posted..China Glaze – Caribbean BlueMy Profile

  2. Honi says:

    Åh vilket underbart lack 😮 Det vill jag ha!
    Honi recently posted..Max Factor Lip Tint SwatchesMy Profile

  3. sonidlo says:

    I like it with flash!
    sonidlo recently posted..OPI A Good Man-darin Is Hard To FindMy Profile

    • roxcat says:

      I think it looks fairly accurate on that photo, it’s beautiful when the shimmer is allowed to come out and play a little!

  4. Nailtastic says:

    Väldigt vacker lila, men jag tror att jag har för många liknande själv för att ett köp ska kännas rimligt. 🙂
    Nailtastic recently posted..Nox Twilight CitrusMy Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Som tur är har jag faktiskt inte så många lila lack inom samma skala, så jag kan nog kosta på mig några till!

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