Posts Tagged ‘Holographic’

China Glaze – TTYL

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

It’s that day of the week again, where Swedish nail blogs offer up photos of some holographic goodies for Skimmerskuggans Holo Friday. This time I’m showing you the peachy/warm pink colored TTYL from China Glaze’s legendary OMG!-collection. This is probably the least exciting color for me in that collection, but that doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful. I had no troubles applying it, I’m pretty sure it’s three coats. The photos were shot earlier this year when there was still proper daylight here in Sweden.

Even thought it’s not really my type of color, I felt very comfortable wearing this.

Worthless knowing: I didn’t actually know what TTYL meant until today, and if I’m not the only one out there: it’s an acronym for Talk To You Later.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Cactus’ Nail Polish – Astatine

Friday, November 16th, 2012

This is just a quick post before bed time, but I wanted to get it out while it’s still Holo Friday =) Astatine is the last polish I’m showing from Cactus’ Nail Polish and the wonderful Spectrum β collection. It’s a very dark gray, nearly black holographic polish. I applied three thin coats of this.

Astatine is a real beauty in the sun. Good job Cactus!

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Cactus’ Nail Polish – Magnesium

Friday, November 9th, 2012

It’s that day of the week again, Holo Friday!

The third polish I decided to try from Cactus’ Nail Polish was Magnesium, which is a cool green shade. I applied two thicker coats of this, and it dried super quick. There is no top coat on the photos, you may notice that it looks a little matte. It has a beautiful scattered holographic effect, I tried my best to capture it in the morning sun:

I’m a real sucker for greens like these!

Cactus’ Nail Polish – Boron

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

After being quiet for a few weeks I finally have something to show you for Skimmerskuggans Holo Friday. The second polish I tried from Cactus was the beautiful blue Boron. Unfortunately I can’t remember the number of coats this was, but I would guess three. There were some unsolved pigment pieces floating around in this one, but the few that I got on the nail was pretty easy to “melt”, there were only a few small dots left that you could notice.

As usual these shots were taken in sunlight:

I absolutely love the light royal blue shade, I don’t have any holo like this in my collection.

Holo Friday 1 Year Celebration!

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

It has now been one year since Skimmerskuggan started up the Holo Friday tradition! And in celebration of that, here’s a collection of all the Holo Friday posts that I’ve put up over the last year. I decided to show a thumbnail from each entry, they are all linked to the original blog posts. I’ve started with the oldest ones first:

So unless I’ve missed something I’ve been posting 21 Holo Friday posts (there were two polishes in one post). Let’s see if I can do better for next year!

So which ones are you favorites? Being fresh in mind, the three latest are probably my faves at the moment, although LOL and QT are classics that I will never get tired of.


Cactus’ Nail Polish – Polonium

Friday, September 14th, 2012

Is it already Holo Friday again? Time really flies! I managed to snap a few photos of this beauty while there was still some sun last week. Polonium is a beautiful light turquoise shade, and is one of the four polishes that Cactus made for the Spectrum β collection. The holo effect is quite beautiful, and it shows up even in low lights indoors. I ended up with three coats of this. It was pretty easy to work with, though there was a little tendency to bald spots like with other holographic polishes. It dries a little matte which is also to be expected, so I added a coat of Seche Vite, mostly to increase wear time. I’ve worn this for five days now and it’s still going strong!

I had just filed my nails, that’s why it looks like tip wear on my index nail.

So what can I say? Thumbs up for this polish!

Jade – Magia Negra

Friday, September 7th, 2012

It’s time for Kerstin’s Holo Friday again! This time I have the beautiful Magia Negra from Jade to show you, from the Holográfico collection. This is the blackest holographic I have, and it’s absolutely stunning. Thankfully the sun was out when I was photographing this. I applied three coats for maximum coverage, but I think two can work as well.

I love how dark it looks, while still producing beautiful (and somewhat scattered) rainbows.

And here’s a shot of it in the shade:

It looks like a lighter grey without the holographic action going on.

I only intended to wear this during the weekend, but I couldn’t part with it so I had it to work for almost a week =)

It surely is black magic in a bottle!

Jade – Fascinio Violeta

Friday, August 31st, 2012

Of course I had to show you one of the Jade polishes today. I decided to try Fascinio Violeta first, a gorgeous medium purple with awesome holographic rainbows. I went with two coats, and I was a little surprised that the polish behaved more like a “normal” polish than a holographic one that can leave you bald spots on the nails, so it was easy application with this.

So, just sit back and enjoy the ride:

If you want to know what it looks like without the rainbows I took a photo in the shade as well:

I’m in love!

China Glaze – FYI

Friday, August 17th, 2012

Here’s another old goodie from the OMG collection, the light beige FYI. I had been wearing only two coats for a couple of days, and before I took the photos I added a third coat.

This is a wonderful polish when you want something discrete, but where there’s still some fun action going on. I love how fast drying these polishes are!

A England – Saint George

Friday, August 10th, 2012

For this Holo Friday I’m going with less holo, but it’s a beautiful polish nonetheless. It’s the teal colored Saint George, from A England’s The Legend collection. It was a while I ago I wore this, but I’m quite sure it’s two coats as with the others I’ve tried from this collection. It has a slight scattered holographic effect, which mostly makes blue and green shifts in the color. It gives it a beautiful depth and I really like this one!

A few shots in the sun:

(Please excuse the dry hands..)

And the last photo in the shade:

I absolutely love this color, and the holographic particles makes this something special.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend! My vacation is now over and on Monday it’s back to work again *sniffs*