Posts Tagged ‘Apricot’

Gina Tricot – Pretty Sweet and some China Glaze – Orange You Hot?

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Here are some more old photos that I’ve dug up. Gina Tricot is a soft apricot color with shimmer, I wore this back in July and I don’t remember much from the application, but the photos show that I had problems.. I think it’s three coats, and with an old Seche Vite top coat the result is anything else but even. Anyway, the color is really pretty and I’m definitely going to give it another try some time.

I was wearing this when I got my lovely summer neons from China Glaze, and decided to quickly slap on a coat of Orange You Hot? to see what it looked like. It’s a bright shimmery orange:

I really need to try this out on its own, the uneven base doesn’t really do it justice here.