Color Club – Miss Bliss

August 16th, 2013

I found some old photos of this polish that I hadn’t posted yet, so here it is today for Kerstin’s Holo Friday. Color Club Miss Bliss is the pink shade from the Halo Hues collection that came out this year. The color isn’t very special or original at all, but the pretty rainbows makes it well worth having. I don’t remember how many coats I applied but I would guess three. I really like the formula on these polishes, there are no bald spots whatsoever!

Here it is in the sun:



And photo of it in the shade:


It’s a little deeper in the tone than Halo-Graphic from the 2012 Halo Hues collection, so if you don’t have any of those I would recommend this one.

On Monday I’ll be back at work, and I sure will miss being free all day long. Ah well, nothing lasts forever.. Except my love for holographic polishes =D

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7 Responses to “Color Club – Miss Bliss”

  1. Nailtastic says:

    Det ser så vackert ut och dina bilder är perfekta!
    Nailtastic recently posted..Pretty Jelly Diamond S-teal-erMy Profile

  2. Emma P says:

    Fantastisk holoeffekt!
    Emma P recently posted..KleanColor x 4My Profile

  3. kerstin says:

    Ljuvligt fint lack och finfina bilder!
    kerstin recently posted..Lackshopping!My Profile

  4. Sminkan says:

    Fantastiskt fina bilder!
    Sminkan recently posted..Indigo Bananas Son of FireMy Profile

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