IsaDora mini sizes

April 23rd, 2012

When I was on my weekly grocery shopping at the local ICA Maxi last week, I noticed a new little makeup stand that caught my attention, it turned out to be some mini sizes of IsaDora products, with both old and some new stuff, with the pricing 3 products for 99 SEK. I picked up the following things:

L-R: Pump ‘n Plump in Pearly Sangria, Express Star Gloss  in Reflecting Bloom, and Wonder Nail in Icy Purple.

There were also some mascaras, lipsticks, and a few small baked eyeshadows that I don’t think I’ve seen before.

I think the lip glosses are so cute! I don’t use lip gloss that often, so I prefer smaller sizes which also are easy to carry with you.

So how does the mini polish compare to the ordinary size?

The ordinary bottle is 6 ml, while the mini size is 4 ml (1 ml less than the Depend bottles). Thankfully the brush is also smaller:

Wide brush to the left, mini brush to the right.

Have you seen this stuff? Does it look interesting or is it products you already have? The polishes I remember where these: Mellow Yellow, Silver Sparkles, Gold Sparkles, Cool Camel, Dolce Vita, and some pearly white that I don’t remember the name of.



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8 Responses to “IsaDora mini sizes”

  1. Annie says:

    Huh…. Det känns konstigt att IsaDora väljer att göra en mini av sina redan små flaskor…..
    Annie recently posted..Blue marblingMy Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Ja först såg jag inte ens att det var mindre flaskor, jag trodde knappt det var lönt att göra mindre =) Men det är ju iaf billigare ml-pris på den lilla flaskan..

  2. Kerstin says:

    Minisar ftw!
    Kerstin recently posted..Turqoise TendresseMy Profile

  3. Nageldraken says:

    Borsten ser ju faktiskt mycket bättre ut på miniflaskorna! Jag brukar undvika IsaDora eftersom jag avskyr deras klunsiga pensel, men jag kanske skulle kunna testa några av minisarna i så fall. Kul att du visade dem!

  4. Sanna says:

    Jag gillar Isadoras mindre penslar.
    Gillar att de är platta och lite breda, men den stora penseln är för kort för sin bredd.
    Sanna recently posted..Cherry BikiniMy Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Ja platta penslar är bra, men den stora är verkligen för bred, min lillfingernagel blir i princip aldrig bra med den stora penseln.

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