China Glaze TMI

November 18th, 2011

It’s Kerstin’s Holo Friday again! And this polish was on my nails a couple of weeks ago or so, so it’s not fresh for today. Of course the sun disappeared behind some clouds when I was going to photograph this one, but some of the holo effect is still visible. This is TMI from China Glaze’s OMG collection, and it’s some kind of warm coral shade. I think this one will be used a lot during summer, it feels like a summery shade.

The first two photos are taken with a cloudy sky:

The last photo is taken with flash, to show more of the rainbows:

I really like this one! I applied three coats, and didn’t have any problems with dragging.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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19 Responses to “China Glaze TMI”

  1. This is a really pretty coral shade, I don’t see those often. All polishes in CG OMG collection are so beautiful, still don’t get how come it has been discontinued.

  2. kerstin says:

    Alldeles underbart vackert!
    kerstin recently posted..Digital holofredag!My Profile

  3. Emma P says:

    Åh! Jag önskar att jag hade denna!!! Jag önskar att jag hade alla OMG! Eller ännu bättre, alla hololack i hela världen…
    Emma P recently posted..Holofredag – MadeleineMy Profile

  4. Annie says:

    Men du vad fint!!! Jag vill med ha OMG-lacken!!
    Annie recently posted..Holo Friday…?My Profile

    • roxcat says:

      Jag kan förstå det, man önskar att de kunde släppa den kollektionen på nytt och inte som någon mesvariant (som Tronica..)

  5. sminkan says:

    Den är mycket snyggare än jag trodde innan jag provade den. Den ser lite tam ut i flaskan liksom, som många OMG-lack. Den är så snyggt korallröd!
    sminkan recently posted..Jämförelser mellan olika versioner av MUS hololackMy Profile

  6. Evelina says:

    Älskar denna! Glad att jag har den 🙂
    Evelina recently posted..Layering med China Glaze Snow GlobeMy Profile

  7. Lassa says:

    I like this but I am still a big fan of the swap coloured one!

  8. Larissa says:

    I love this nail color and you nails are gorgeous!!! How do you maintain them so strong?

    • roxcat says:

      Thank you! I thank my good genes for my nails, I don’t use any nail strengtheners or such, they’re hard by nature, but still a bit flexible when they need to be. Although I do break them sometimes, my index nail isn’t feeling too well right now.. =(

  9. Nailtastic says:

    Så väldigt vackert! Hoppas, hoppas man kan lägga vantarna på det någon gång.:-)
    Nailtastic recently posted..Depend #257My Profile

  10. Har den samme i grønn 😉
    Jenngun-har konkuranse recently med i en konkuranseMy Profile

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