KleanColor Holo Orange On Top Of Sun Orange

August 15th, 2011

So, the reason I wanted to show you Isadora Sun Orange first is because I later paired it with KleanColor Holo Orange. I figured this polish was quite sheer so I just added one coat on top of Sun Orange. The base color of Holo Orange took away some of the yellow in Sun Orange and made it a slightly deeper shade of orange. And wow, is this gorgeous or what!

Fortunately the sun was shining outside so I could get some nice sunny photos. I wouldn’t really call this holographic, it’s more like holographic glitter particles in a colored base, but it doesn’t make it less beautiful! Prepare for some picspam!

It was really hard to capture all the colors, but they’re there.

And to really show all the colors I took a couple of photos out of focus:

I definitely want more of these holo polishes!

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5 Responses to “KleanColor Holo Orange On Top Of Sun Orange”

  1. Cactus says:

    Supersnyggt! och vilken bra kombination
    Cactus recently posted..Holografiskt och multikromatiskt frankenlack!My Profile

  2. Chaosophia says:

    Din kombination blev så grymt mycket mer lyckad än min! Ypperligt exempel på hur snyggt det faktiskt kan vara. 🙂
    Chaosophia recently posted..Kleancolor – Holo OrangeMy Profile

  3. Kerstin says:

    Oj, så fint! Jag är så himla sugen på att klicka hem ett gäng holosar från Klean.
    Kerstin recently posted..Dagens grönaMy Profile

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